June 16, 2009

A Day at the Beach...

Scott walking the beach looking for sharks teeth
Peyton saying "cheese" for the camera
Brittany buried in the sand
Me, sitting in my chair
The baby girl with her daddy
Destyni, Peyton and Alexis
Playing in the sand
It is not often that we all get to go to the beach together. When the kids were younger it was a bit easier to find time to go as a family. But now that they are older, and they have their own set of friends, it seems a little more difficult to get everyone in one place and spend time together. They seem to always be running here, there, and everywhere. So family time is hard to come by lately.....
I do believe this was our first beach trip of the summer. Peyton was a year older and could enjoy the sand & the waves. She has such a personality. Her first response when I took her shoes off was "Yuck, its dirty", but once I showed her she could play in it, she seemed to absolutely love digging holes, filling her buckets, and burying her sister. When it came time to go in the water, she was all for it, until the water stated to touch her feet and then she became hesitant. Wrapping her little arms around her Daddy's legs so he would protect her. She really enjoyed walking with him while he looked for Sharks teeth. It was fun to watch another one of our children get into the tradition of looking for them with Scott. I can never find them, but all of our kid have liked to walk with him and look.
Brittany has always love to create....she brought a friend with us on this day, and once again, she played in the sand more than she swam. I sat in the chair thinking about how fast she is growing up in so many areas of her life. But as I sat and watched her, I realized that there is still a part of her that likes to just be a kid. I sat there and almost teared up, watching as my oldest and my youngest play together on the beach, knowing that it was just yesterday that Brittany was that 2 year old hanging on to her daddy for safety, just yesterday that the sand and the waves were a new experience for her. How simple things were in her life back then, and now she is a teenager with new feelings, and new experiences....I think it might be just as scary for me to start to let go and let her grow up as it will be for her to walk through it.
My prayer is that she will still enjoy her childhood past times, and not try to grow up to quickly, but enjoy every step of it along the way. That she will continue to trust us with her safety (both physically and emotionally), and that God would hold on to her, lead her and keep her safe as we walk through these years. And that he would give me the grace and wisdom to walk beside her........

June 15, 2009

Harder than I thought....

So, I thought this was going to be easy, but it has been a bit harder than I expected. I think my daughter would have an easier time trying to design a blog page, since it takes her no time to chamge the look of her myspace i think mine has looked the same for about a I am learning, but it does take some figuring out. I have just been trying different backgrounds, blinkies, banners,etc. But dont understand how to move stuff around and make it look it right. How do you guys make such beautiful pages.... I think will take me more time to learn. I am sure my next few posts will be me, just venting about this new pasttime of mine....We shall see.

June 13, 2009

Here I am!

Ok, so a few my friends have been blogging, and I never really have had an interest in creating one. But as time has passed I think that since I really have enjoyed being able to see into their lives, what is happening in their families, watching their children grow, and seeing their struggles and triumphs...I figured it was probably a good way to keep in touch with everyone on deeper level than just facebooking or myspace.
I cant promise that i will be able to do it often. But I will try to keep up with it from time to time....
I am looking forward to showing you all my world, from my perspective...from the eyes of being mom, wife, friend, daughter, sibling, believer......
Welcome to my crazy as it may be, and I am always open to whatever you would like to share in return.....
Let the adventure begin......

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